Issue 25 - Tourist Atlas

Welcome to our latest edition. Through images and stories, Tendencia will provide you with a number of travel ideas for experiencing Baja California Sur with the entire family.

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Featured Stories:

Chefs X Los Cabos 2024: A Dinner to Draw a Dream.

An exciting gastronomic event was held for the first...

Chefs X Los Cabos 2024: Una cena para dibujar un sueƱo

En el restaurante emergente Suelo Sur en San JosƩ...

“Amorcito CorazĆ³n, serĆ”s mi amor”, Event with Cause.

In addition to making life more beautiful, love songs...


Es diverso lo que vara y se acumula al pie de las dunas altas que el viento noroeste y las corrientes han formado tras milenios de empuje incesante: maderamen de naufragios, botellas, plĆ”sticos de mil formas, pero sobre todo madera en tablas talladas o toscos troncos de pino que han viajado durante meses cruzando el ocĆ©ano desde el mar de JapĆ³n, o costeando el continente desde la Alta California.


[dropcap]M[/dropcap]alarrimo is a gateway to the unexpected. Among the hundreds of secluded beaches on the Pacific side of Southern California, Malarrimo is the quintessential deserted shore. Misty dawns break over seaweed-ridden sands that are frequented by lonely coyotes looking for clams, crustaceans and fish stranded by the surge of a wave.

Retazos histĆ³ricos y evocaciones de Loreto

Contiene cinco ensayos, pequeƱas historias de familias, personajes, mĆŗsicos y costumbres. Escrito a manera de remembranzas, prosa y con un toque de humor. Unas veces sarcĆ”stica, otras nostĆ”lgica, tantas simpĆ”tica y siempre amorosa demuestra cĆ³mo la adversidad ha sido parte inseparable de la historia de Loreto, sin embargo sigue y seguirĆ” de pie por siempre.

Pieces of History and Remembrances of Loreto

The book is written as remembrances in humorous prose and contains five essays, and short stories of families, personalities, musicians and customs. Sometimes sarcastic, sometimes nostalgic, the work is a very pleasant read and shows with love how adversity has been, and continues to be an inseparable part of the history of Loreto that will stand forever.

Isla del Carmen

The history of Isla del Carmen basically revolves around a salt deposit located at the north end of the island in an area called Bahia Salinas. The salt saga began in 1698 when the Jesuits arrived to establish the mission of Loreto. The missionaries discovered the area by accident and began stocking up on salt for themselves, as well as future Jesuit missions as they were established.

Isla del Carmen

La historia de la Isla del Carmen gira bĆ”sicamente alrededor de su depĆ³sito de sal ubicado al Norte de la Isla, en la zona denominada BahĆ­a Salinas. En 1698 los jesuitas que llegaran a fundar la misiĆ³n de Loreto, dieron accidentalmente con ella y empezaron a surtirse de sal, como tambiĆ©n el resto de las misiones jesuĆ­ticas conforme se fueron estableciendo.


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Chefs X Los Cabos 2024: A Dinner to Draw a Dream.

An exciting gastronomic event was held for the first...

Chefs X Los Cabos 2024: Una cena para dibujar un sueƱo

En el restaurante emergente Suelo Sur en San JosƩ...

“Amorcito CorazĆ³n, serĆ”s mi amor”, Event with Cause.

In addition to making life more beautiful, love songs...

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