Monthly Archives: May, 2021

Rancho Los Algodones

Rancho Los Algodones, located just 15 minutes east of Santa Anita in San Jose del Cabo, belongs to the Alvarez Carrillo family. Members of...

The Comondu: Historic towns of Sudcalifornia

The Sierra de la Giganta descend towards the Pacific Ocean and there is a long, sinuous, green ravine on the slope where two towns...

What places should you visit in northern Baja California Sur?

If destiny has already brought you to the paradise that is Baja California Sur, let luck direct your journey through the beautiful landscapes. A...

Community, romance, nature and well-being

When choosing a travel destination, open spaces, contact with nature, and tranquility are particularly attractive. Fortunately, all can be found in La Paz. Every...

The Origin of Los Cabos

Book Review Beyond enchanting natural landscapes, Los Cabos holds a series of events that have established its identity over the years. In the book: El...

The gastronomic collage of Pícaro for the world

Something emotional happens when several dishes come together at the same table, because we know that the best times are the times you share...


Popular articles

“Amorcito Corazón, serás mi amor”, Event with Cause.

In addition to making life more beautiful, love songs...

Remote Destination: Place of Privilege

Those trails where the barefoot native and Jesuit friars...

La Mula 1000 Tribute to the Royal Road.

The 1000 Mule, as its name suggests, is a...