Edición 48 - Wellness

Descubre qué tiene esta parte de México que ha mantenido su misticismo a pesar de ser un lugar con dinamismo constante. ¿Será la magia de los oasis, de las islas, del mar, o del desierto? Descifra Baja California Sur o solo déjate cautivar por el bienestar que proporciona.

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The Interview: Emelie Eldridge

“Yoga is a journey of inner immersion and conscious connection, a journey to wholeness.” Emelie Eldridge, originally from Stockholm, Sweden, comes from a clinical and...

Traveling: Wellness

There is great truth in a saying by George Bernard Shaw, “We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because...

Why do we love Baja California Sur?

Our heart beats along with the rest of Mexico, but at a different rate. The only way to understand this is to live here. Fernando...


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