Mole Internacional Route: “Mole Fest 2024”, passion and love in Los Cabos

The culinary event “Mole Fest 2024: Passion and Love” was held at Jazmin’s restaurant in San Jose del Cabo to benefit the San Miguel Grandparents Club in Cabo San Lucas. The meeting will occur on February 4th, 2024, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm at Hacienda Chimbica in San Jose del Cabo.

“Ruta de Mole Internacional: Sabores y Saberes” is an annual Mexican gastronomic festival full of history and tradition. Here are the dates and venues for 2024:

  • February 4, 2024: Los Cabos
  • February 23 – 24 , 2024: El Salvador
  • March 17, 2024 : Loreto
  • April 2024: Ensenada
  • May 11, 2024 : San Miguel de Allende
  • June 16, 2024: Oaxaca
  • July 21, 2024: Honduras
  • September 2024: Guatemala
  • October 24, 2024: Piura Perú
  • November 17, 2024: Yucatán
  • December 8, 2024: Todos Santos

The first stop on this route is Los Cabos. Special guests, visionary chefs, and food lovers will gather to elevate the culinary experience of mole.

The invited guests are:

  • Lorena Talamás
  • Miguel Vargas TOP CHEF BAJA
  • Yobet Mayo TOP CHEF BAJA
  • Patricia Bautista
  • Saúl Torres TOP CHEF BAJA
  • Carlos F. Márquez TOP CHEF BAJA
  • Alma León Salgado TOP CHEF
  • Axel A. Juárez
  • Lourdes Sánchez MÁSTER CHEF

The presidium was composed of members of the community, organizers and municipal councils, such as Chef Ariosto Camacho, general director of the Rut del Mole, Sanaí Mota Trasviña, general director of the Casa de San Miguel in Cabo San Lucas, Aníbal Amador Castro, Coordinator of Tourism Promotion, representing Donna Jeffries Álvarez, Municipal Director of tourism, Oscar Adrián Ceseña Agundez, representing Prof. Oscar Leggs Castro, Municipal President of the XIV city council of Los Cabos, Rafael García Ceseña, General Director of Grupo 624, Elisa Araos, Executive Director of the Hotel Association of Los Cabos and Linda Garcia Ceseña, General Director of the Hotel Association of Los Cabos, Elisa Araos, Executive Director of the Hotel Association of Los Cabos and Linda Garcia Ceseña, Oscar Leggs Castro, Municipal President of Los Cabos; Rafael García Ceseña, General Director of Grupo 624; Elisa Araos, Executive Director of the Los Cabos Hotel Association; and Linda Mchatton Vázquez, General Director of PR Solutions, a public relations firm.

Enjoy a wide range of moles in different presentations and flavours. The ticket per person will cost $800 MXN, including food tasting and live music, and you can make reservations at (624) 121-3929.

With your participation, this route will be even more special!

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