Baja California Sur leading destination in Tourism reopening

The pandemic 2020, marks a historic stop worldwide. Tourist destinations are one of the sectors whose recovery will be slow and will depend on the support that each State receives, however, Baja California Sur remains at the top in its reopening strategy.

We spoke by phone with Luis Araiza, President ASETUR and Secretary of Tourism, Economy and Sustainability BCS, to validate the progress that has been made since the destination reopened on June 15.

Let’s remember that, during the entire quarantine, the State remained within the five in Mexico that stood out for its punctual handling of the crisis, among some factors: for the continuous communication of the institutions towards citizens and tourists, the early actions of both the private sector and the government, and it should be noted, the respect and awareness of society in general.

“Having clear and precise information at all times is one of the keys to staying as a leading destination in managing the pandemic. I reiterate that working together on private initiative and the three levels of government is vital to be a role model in this reopening.”

The work of SETUES, and tourism trusts through webinars with tour operators, have been an important part that maintain the traveler’s interest in Baja California Sur. At the same time, national and international campaigns to encourage tourism to travel again and choose safe destinations such as Baja California Sur are essential.

“The Tourism Secretariats have been a guide to the orderly reopening. In Baja California Sur, the Ministry of Health are in charge of verifying that each institution complies with protocols built in accordance with federal regulations and international standards.”

The adherence to the reopening protocols established by COFEPRIS in the economic areas are visible to the company. Likewise, all companies related to the tourism sector have been very receptive in obtaining certifications as a “clean spot” and most tourism companies adhere to international recommendations.

Thanks to this, the World Travel and Tourism Council granted the “Safe Travel” seal to the five municipalities: Los Cabos, La Paz, Loreto, Comondú and Mulegé.

On June 15, hotels and restaurants began operating under strict sanitation measures and a reduced capacity. Each hotel has taken the initiative to establish internal vigilance committees, in addition to the fact that the collaborators are always agents to verify the measures.

“Tourism response to the reopening has been positive, however, the capacity reduced to 30% for security. The recovery will be gradual, but we are starting to see more flights, we continue with optimism and in the coming months it should be reflected in the economic recovery.”

The South Californian peninsula is unique for its geography and offers the visitor incredible spaces to regain full well-being. For its outdoor spaces and pristine territories that favor exclusive tourism.

“Given the new trend of travel and consumption, Baja California Sur is distinguished for maintaining low-density tourism. It is an authentic destination, differentiated by the privileged unique natural beauties: on the one hand, the Sea of ​​Cortez and on the other the Pacific, each with various water activities, whale watching, swimming with whale sharks, or swimming with sea lions. Without forgetting cultural and gastronomic tourism. Rural and adventure tourism will be a luxury and this peninsula has everything to offer while preserving sustainability and awareness in South California”

In conjunction with adventure travel, Los Cabos is prepared to meet the most exclusive hospitality demands and standards, traveler safety is now one more point to add to the list. Just as your concierge remembers your morning coffee preferences, plans your reservation for a perfect dinner with all dietary restrictions, or does whatever it takes to get a last-minute change in your flight, thus taking care of your health, without losing human warmth.

Yes, Los Cabos has been characterized as the luxury destination in Mexico, and today health security is a luxury, travelers can rest assured that it is the priority throughout the State!

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Tendencia el Arte de Viajar
Tendencia el Arte de Viajar
Revista de viajes sobre Los Cabos, Baja California Sur con información actualizada sobre Restaurantes, Golf, Eventos, Cultura, Turismo de Aventura e Historia.


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