Traveling: Wellness

There is great truth in a saying by George Bernard Shaw, “We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” If there is something we have learned during this time, it is precisely that, we need to continue playing to stop growing old.

It seems that what we are experiencing has put the world on pause. That said, it has been done in such a way that it has allowed us to do things we have not done in a long time. At the same time, it has given us the opportunity to relive times that bring back our childhood or youth, allowing us to extend that stage of our lives into the present day.

This involuntary situation also makes it easier for everyone to decide how to use their 24 hours a day. By not being able to travel to our workplace, or to school, or simply to visit, we have come to rely on technology at home to keep busy. As a side effect, the air, the oceans, the rivers, the forests and in general nature, has breathed again as it has not done for a long time.

Humanity has a little extra time to rethink many objectives, to explore new possibilities, to reinvent and develop new options for entertainment, well-being, relaxation and the use of our time. This is an opportunity we don’t see very often and one that has not been experienced globally for more than a hundred years.

Certainly, there will be negative side effects to all this, but it will also be an positive moment within the process of reinventing ourselves where we can learn to give greater value to those things that are appreciated when we have a true sense consciousness.

It is said, and economic analysis predicts it, that tourism will be one of the most affected sectors. However, it is undeniable that behind each of these circumstances there is always an inversely proportional opportunity. In other words, tourism will also experience an extraordinary combination of events that will enable it to reposition itself and make use of all the available goodness and beauty.

Baja California Sur, due to its natural conditions, will have an insurmountable opportunity to demonstrate its beauty to the world. Social distancing will not be a problem because of the wide open spaces. The coastline that frames the beauty of the state has enviable proportions and there is a wide variety of outdoor sports that guarantees safety for the tourist, visitor, local and anyone else.

It is a fact that this destination, like all tourist destinations on the planet, must reorient itself. Planning must include new parameters for hygiene, cleanliness, and security. Tourism must gradually modify its standards of well-being and the motivation to vacation. At first, there may be doubts, skepticism, reservations and distancing. But it will become obvious that this process will lead to positive relationships that are necessary for achieving the desired rest and relaxation of a well-deserved vacation.

One of the fundamental parameters of well-being is “being happy.” In your search, there are standards we are ready to meet one by one according to the most sophisticated or demanding.

The pandemic has affected us all, some more than others, but in the end, we are all living in the same moment. Today, we are ready to demonstrate that we are here to be better in every way, to realize that true luxury is in experiences, in beauty and in a constant capacity for wonder that seems to have disappeared.

Today the important thing is to feel positive, with a renewed sense of well-being that is focused on gratitude and acceptance. We are ready to offer that and much more in Baja California Sur.

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Edición 48 - Wellness
Edición 48 - Wellness
Descubre qué tiene esta parte de México que ha mantenido su misticismo a pesar de ser un lugar con dinamismo constante. ¿Será la magia de los oasis, de las islas, del mar, o del desierto? Descifra Baja California Sur o solo déjate cautivar por el bienestar que proporciona.


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