Tag: alternative tourism

Alternative Tourism

Generally, alternative tourism sites are attractive focal points in themselves, such as museums. Some sites are so special and vulnerable that the number of visitors is very limited. Government regulations NOM-09-TUR-2002 and NOM-08-TUR-200 establish the guidelines for visiting these sites. For others, special visitor permits from CONANP, SEMARNAT, or INAH are required.

San Dionisio: An Alternative Tourism Trip

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]an Dionisio is a rural community located in northern Los Cabos, an inarguably well-developed tourist municipality. About 50 people, mostly families, inhabit the land on 14 ranches. San Dionisio is now an excellent example of alternative tourism. What really motivates tourists to visit this site is a desire for new open-air adventures, a different way to cultivate the soul and spirit.


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