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Tag: Sweetheart

“Amorcito Corazón, serás mi amor”, Event with Cause.

In addition to making life more beautiful, love songs also serve to name real-life events. In this case, "Amorcito Corazón", the iconic song sung...

“Amorcito corazón, yo tengo tentación” (“Love heart, I am tempted.”) of the 3rd. Edition for the benefit of children with heart disease.

The spirit of altruism is in the air. This year's fabulous Mexican culinary festival, "Amorcito Corazón", venue was Puerto Raíz in San José del...

Audelia Villareal receives recognition from the group Madrugadores (Early Risers) Los Cabos as “Forjador of the Year (Forger of the Year).”

"Madrugadores Los Cabos" is a group of friends who gather regularly in a casual environment to discuss important issues affecting society. They engage in...


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