The Synarchist

The National Synarchist Union (UNS) was founded in the first half of the twentieth century on May 23, 1937 in Leon, Guanajuato. UNS was a Mexican political and social movement characterized as anti-nationalist, Catholic and popular. The name comes from the Greek word Sinarquismo “syn dike” meaning: with authority, power, order, with government, which is contrary to anarchy. With more than three hundred thousand members, the UNS served as an instrument of the Catholic hierarchy and the Jesuits against the government of President Lazaro Cardenas.

In a battle of the “right” against the “left,” Salvador Abascal, as Chief, strengthened the movement but was passionate and extreme in his principles. Clothing, attitudes and rituals similar to the fascists were adopted. As a result, the government attempted to discredit the Synarchists, saying they were Nazi sympathizers. However, Abascal’s nationalist vision was to fight both communism and the Axis powers, which was confirmed later by Abascal leaving his leadership position in 1941 and launching a colonization effort in Baja California Sur, near Magdalena Bay. In order to have Mexican presence, the Maria Auxiliadora colony was located 185 miles from La Paz and near Loreto.

Abascal thought of it as the promised land and considered himself to be a modern-day Moses. He lead farmers from the Midwest into the desert. But his project failed. Farming fertile land with water in the Bajio is not the same as farming inhospitable land, infested with snakes. In the first six months of 1942, settlers killed over a thousand snakes and suffered from hunger.

Manuel Torres Bueno, the Synarchist Chief after Abascal, fielded Abascal’s complaints and observed his failures. Abascal was obsessed with his project until it became untenable in 1944 and he was forced to resign and retire. Just eight families were left. At the time, Abascal was married and living in the Maria Auxiliadora colony. He returned a disappointed man to Mexico City, breaking with the UNS.

It was a natural movement with characters who did not seek luxuries or power and a lesson in the history of Mexico.

Las Arboledas a 25 de marzo de 2015.

Obras consultadas/Resources:

El Sinarquismo, el Cardenismo y la Iglesia (1937-1947). Jean Meyer. TusQuets Ed. México, S.A. de C.V. 1ª. Ed. 2003.

La derecha radical en México 1929-1949. Hugh G. Campbell. Sepsetentas número 276. 1ª. Ed. Sec. de Educación Pública

Historia Gral. de la Rev. Mexicana. La Unidad Nacional. Tomo 10. José C. Valadés. Ed. Gernika, S.A. SEP. México. 1985.

Presidentes de México. José Manuel Villalpando y Alejandro Rosas. Ed. Planeta Mexicana,. 1ª. reimpresión. México. 2011.

Biografía del poder. Caudillos de la Revolución. Enrique Krauze. MaxiTusQuets Ed. México.1ª. Ed.México.2009.

Elementos de Historia de México. Carlos Alvear Acevedo. Editorial JUS. 3ª. Ed. México. 1958.

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