AMA foundation in the endeavor to save the oceans

Yesterday was the launch of the AMA Foundation in Nicksan Palmilla, a 100% Mexican company that has focused its pillars on family, perseverance, integrity, excellence and gastronomic innovation.

In the talk, we met its president, Sonia Falcone, who seeks, with the help of illustrious characters and the entire community, to protect and safeguard the oceans. In this way, not only will a better environment be generated for the flora and fauna of Baja California Sur, but also, it will directly impact the life of the planet.

AMA foundation will be constituted by the renowned designer, Tamara Ralph, and by the super model, Christina Estrada, as well as by her royal highness Prince Charles Philippe of Orleans and by Princess Diana of Orleans, Dukes of Anjou and Cadaval.



This foundation was registered both in Mexico and in the United States with the sole objective of preserving the marine life of the region of Baja California Sur and having the support of different organizations to raise awareness about the care we should have with the migrating whales or sea turtles.

For this reason, the foundation was created whose word “AMA” means: “lady in charge”. In this way, it is intended to represent the ocean as “an entity that must be venerated and cared for, so that it can continue its vital function on the planet”.

Without culture and without values, we would have nothing as a society. This is why it is so important for AMA foundation to join efforts to generate a sense of responsibility towards our planet, educate children to take care of it and understand that we only have one.

Nicksan has a commitment to the community, has always participated in various events and programs. In this regard, Ángel Carbajal comments: “We are excited to collaborate with AMA, the sustainability and responsible use of ocean resources is the backbone of Nicksan’s values.”

If you are a nature lover, but, above all, from Baja California Sur, join the efforts that are generated day by day and save the oceans and the life within them. So, how can you help from the place where you are? Or even better, how can you support the AMA foundation?



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