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Fitness, Modu and California Ranch Market

When we were thinking on a person that could help California Ranch Market with fitness recommendations, we instantly thought in Modu. He is a well know figure in Los Cabos that has elevated the standards when it comes to discipline, workout routines and living a fit life.

After a few minutes with him, here are some of his tips for whoever is trying to maintain a healthier path, with the help, of course, of California Ranch Market organic products.

For starters, Modu said that the first steps for a person who is trying to change his or her habits and move to a healthier lifestyle are to change one habit at a time, then progressively add new healthy habits into your routine. In this way, you will have a track of victories and you won’t feel overwhelmed by doing all at once and then quitting.

If you are a person that has never done exercise before, don’t worry about it! Modu says that the best tool you can ever use is your own body weight. Start slow and learn the basic movements, begin mastering those. At the beginning even going for a walk, short strength routines with squats, push-ups, sit-ups it’s a great way to get on track. If you find an activity you enjoy doing, it will make you stick to it!

Modu’s advice is to start at home with 4 to 6 exercises. Go at your own pace, do 12 to 15 repeats each and then do the whole circuit as many times as you want. If you want to lose weight, a mix of strength training and cardio will be perfect. You want to make sure you give the proper stimulus to your muscles while keeping your heart healthy.

If you are just starting, Modu recommends exercising 3-5 times per week for 30-60 minutes. He also says that he personally loves to do a good combo, for example, you can have the balance of high-intensity activity and a wellness class, which will help you recover. For him, boot camp and yoga are their favorite combination, getting his heart rate up at the beach and cleaning up his mind at yoga.

Of course, food is an essential part to feel better! Protein will help you feed your muscles when you work out. At California Ranch Market you can find a variety of products to love and never get bored! It is important to know what you put into your body when you are done exercising because you tear muscle fibers which need to be recovered after every workout.

Modu likes eating a mix of protein and carbohydrates before his training, and after he replenishes his body with a protein shake.

After your workout, always remember to give a proper thanks to your body with a mix of good carbohydrates like oatmeal, banana, whole-grain bread, sweet potato, brown rice, etc. and lean proteins like chicken, fish or protein powder.

We invite you to pay a visit to California Market Stores to see which products will fit perfectly to your diet and to your healthier journey!

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