The Off-Road party was a great success in “Loreto 400: Ruta de Las Misiones,” now one of Baja California Sur’s best races.
Mayor Paola Cota Davis congratulated the winners of the “39th Edición Carrera Loreto 400: La Ruta de las Misiones 2023” title. She emphasized that the economic benefit was over 2 million pesos, directly and indirectly benefiting the tourism industry in Baja California Sur, including our Magical Town.

It’s worth mentioning that 64 pilots from all over the state registered for the event, touring the roads of our Magical Town from Mulegé to Los Cabos. Per team, approximately MXN 30,000 was spent on expenses such as lodging, food, gasoline, and spare parts, resulting in a 75% hotel occupancy rate in Loreto.
In April 1984, this off-road race was created in Loreto, a small fishing village. Over the years, it has become an essential event in the off-road racing industry. “Loreto 400 Route of the Missions”.Today, it is one of the favourite routes for pilots in Baja California Sur.

Based on the categories described here, the winners are as follows:
Moto Pro 1st 15x. The winners of the recent races have been announced. Pedro Ibarra was the champion of ATV PRO 1st 2a, while Pedro Loya and Ricardo Baeza won the INTER/30MX 1Er 197x Mateo Cox. In the NOVATOS MX 1st 279x, Erick Martinez and Gael Davis were the winners, and in NOVATOS ATV 1st 241st, Jose E. Garcia Lopez was the champion. Alberto Caudillo Davis congratulated all the winners. In the Class 8 Stock, Christian Avila Santana won 1st 869, while Jose Roberto Moreno Valles won the Class 15 1st 1510. Omar Valles Zamago won Stock Buggy 1st 510, and Victor Alejandro Romero Romero won the Sportsman Truck 1st ER 1434. Manuel Alexander Becerra Hernandez won Class 9 1st 916, and in Class 11 1st 1115, José Luis Ochoa Ceseña was the winner. William Gallardo won the Trophy Truck 1st 24, while Carlos Peñúñuri won class 1 1st 135. Jaime Espinoza Hernández won class 16 1st 1613, and in class 8 1st 815, Edgar Sánchez González won. Ricardo Ávila Santana won class 7 1st 7xx, while class 7sx didn’t mention any winners. In the Stock Mini category, Javier Murillo came in first with a score of 7059, while Orlando Fuentes secured the first position with a score of 17786.
The Missions Route is still alive! Let us continue to preserve it.