A blessing came from the sea with the whales jumping and blowing. In front of St. Luke’s Arch, these beautiful cetaceans were seen anticipating the sunset, which would be the fantastic context for Symphony of the Whales. The ritual of the gong announced the sunset, and the conch shells emitted their frequencies towards the cardinal points in Sunset Monalisa.
As the sun set behind the Arch, the sky began to turn orange with hues of pink and lilac. The air was filled with the smoky aroma of charcoal on grills as Mediterranean cuisine, and a glass of wine marked the beginning of a unique event. The event was designed explicitly for the terraces of Sunset Monalisa and was conceptualized by Oscar Ortiz, an expert on biodiversity. He introduced the soprano, Liliana del Conde, and also talked briefly about the symphony of whales – an invitation to experience the beauty of the underwater world.

“Whale songs are a mystery. They have an incredible impact on us; only those with a sensitive soul can truly understand it. I hope these songs will move and captivate us, reminding us of the beauty of our planet and how fortunate we are to be a part of it. Now, I am delighted to introduce Liliana del Conde, a talented Mexican soprano who will accompany the singing of these wonderful angels of the ocean,” said Oscar Ortiz, and then, the concert of celestial voices began.
The sounds of the ocean, including the whales’ songs. Were recorded through a hydrophone, enveloping us in the enclosure and submerging us into the depths.
Liliana del Conde’s voice shone as she performed four exquisite pieces, complementing the underwater sound. With a sold-out audience, the event celebrated unparalleled beauty and singular poetry, making it an exceptional opportunity to witness a unique communion of the senses.