When Claudia, Diana, Soco and Romina arrived to discuss the idea of creating a magazine to promote our state of Baja California Sur, there was a pile of books on my desk by, among others, Miguel del Barco, Pablo L. Martinez, Harry W. Crosby, Martha Micheline Cariño and Rosa Elba Rodriguez. All were related to our history, ancestors, their relationship with nature and the identity of the “Californio.”
[dropcap color=”#010180″]T[/dropcap]he idea, they said, was the promotion of the state not only by revealing the extraordinary natural beauty but also the history, culture and the traditions to those who are unfamiliar with them and to remind those who may have forgotten. If these beautiful young entrepreneurs were searching for moral support, they could not have knocked at a better door. To me, the idea was enchanting. Only one of them had roots in this state but as Claudia said in her first editorial, “in sprit we have been adopted…” This is true and it can be seen from afar!
The creation of Tendencia El Arte de Viajar was the result of hard work, enthusiasm and tenacity. Its success is due to the love held for this land by the magazine founders and to the valuable contribution of a great team of collaborators.
The thought that I may have had a small part in encouraging them on their ambitious quest is, for me, a source of pride and joy.
Congratulations to the Tendencia team for the first five years!
May there be many many more!
With much affection,