The Interview

Alejandra informs us that she practiced Capoeira martial arts for years, until surgery led her to seek an alternative exercise. Her three years of rehabilitation included running. To her surprise, she found great satisfaction in the sport.


“A year after I started to train, I ran my first marathon. Now running has become a haven for me. I enjoy meditating during the time I run. I go with my rhythm and am in touch with my body. All this inspires me to keep training.”


Alejandra started a running team with a group of eight. Today, Esos Locos numbers 200 runners. Training levels are divided into 5km, 10km, half marathon and full marathon. The runners start at 5:00 AM in different points of San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.


“There is a Tarahumara philosophy of sharing everything you accomplish with others. The wellbeing that running creates in me, I want to share. I posted a notice for anyone who wanted to join me. That was the beginning of Esos Locos. We run up to 35 kilometers, often on Saturdays, and the comment from our friends when they hear about our routine is usually, “you’re crazy.” Hence the name.”


Over the past three years, the Esos Locos group has grown significantly by sharing the health benefits of running with others. The team’s overall objective is to become better people. The sport helps runners interact with others. Eventually, this will impact society.


The biggest challenge when starting a workout is to love and believe in yourself. That way nothing gets in the way of your plans to improve. Besides, you know that you are worth the sacrifice.


“Honesty and consistency are the keys to doing your best. I cannot ask someone to do something that I have not done. Being part of the team, the others can see me sweat right along with them.”


“Wellness is not an ideal weight. It’s a weight I call your “happy weight.” A happy weight is the result of a balance between physical exercise, healthy eating, and doing what you like. It is not an obsession about reaching an ideal weight. Of course, this can be achieved with spiritual, emotional and mental wellness.”


A medical evaluation is paramount when venturing into a sport. It is not healthy to ask something of your body that may be physically impossible. After a medical examination, you can begin a workout and gradually start achieving your goals.


“There is no standard for preparing the body before training. I personally do not eat anything if I will not run more than 15km. However, there are people who believe that just jogging 20 minutes requires that you consume yogurt, bread or fruit.”


“Setting goals is important and you should not rest until you achieve them. I admire the mature marathoners. They don’t run for the medals, just for the satisfaction of achieving their personal goals. Discipline for me is training for a goal and my passion is to do the things I love. When you do that, nothing will stop you. My favorite saying is: Nothing can stop us.”


Alejandra’s vision is to help people understand their ability to achieve goals. That’s true for running or any area of life.


“I wish that our efforts as a group would go beyond the community and more people would join us. Los Cabos is a geographically blessed magical place that attracts people. The multiculturalism here makes it a paradise on the forefront of issues such as wellness and nutrition. It is truly a destination where you can enjoy an excellent quality of life.”


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1st Marathon of Baja California Sur

January 21, 2017

Distances 5k, 10k, 21k and 42k

All major cities have marathons. Los Cabos was not going to be left behind. This will be a family event that will encourage sports tourism in the State. Organized by Esos Locos, Cabo Sport and Grupo KORAL.



To register, visit us at:


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Issue 29 - Life in Balance
Issue 29 - Life in Balance
Welcome to our Life in Balance issue. We hope you enjoy the interviews with the influential people of Los Cabos who have made wellness their life’s work. All are recognized experts in the fields of fitness, nutrition and sports and they’re ready to share their valuable advice on the many different methods for getting and staying healthy.