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Stand Strong

Breast Cancer Society Foundation

Breast cancer has one of the highest rates of prevalence, incidence and mortality in Mexico and the world.

The Breast Cancer Society Foundation was formally established in July 2017. In just a short time, medical specialists, psychologists, therapists, entrepreneurs, plastic surgeons and many young people have joined this passionate team.

The partnership seeks to advance programs that address the needs of patients, from timely detection to remission.


To develop, promote and support the management of programs, mechanisms, proposals and projects that contribute to the improvement of education for all matters related to prevention, health promotion and the care of patients with breast cancer.


To be an international resource of medical and humanitarian aid for the prevention and management of breast cancer in women and men.

Information, donations and volunteering


Dr. José Ramón Saucillo | Presidente

(624) 110-6482

Facebook: @BreastCancerSocietyFoundation

Instagram @BreastCancerSocietyLosCabos

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