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Nutrition and Breast Cancer Society

Breast Cancer Society is a nonprofit organization active through different events to support women with breast cancer. Last Saturday 13 April, a conference about nutrition by Diana Peñuelas was held. She talked about what types of food benefits your health when treatment is in course against cancer 

Diana addressed the importance of preventive education insisting on doing mammograms and self-exams so you can detect the changes that might happen in your body. She emphasized a healthy diet consists of the integration of all group of nutrients, balancing the frequency of its ingestion and the portions according to each patient. 

“All food groups are necessary to the human being. Carbs give energy, protein repairs damages cells, tissues, and organs, and fat are organic and energetic nutrients. Finally, the vitamins and the minerals are regulators that help the absorption of other nutrients”.  

Each one of these groups are substantial for daily life, but everything will depend on the organism to determinate which are the portions we need in our everyday life. It is recommended eating a lot more vegetables and fruits, enough cereals and in a fewer amount of animal products and legumes.

During the conference, some myths often heard about nutrition while in treatment but the majority of the cases, untruth were approached. For example, no specific data specifies you can’t eat dairy or meat during chemotherapy, as long as the patient has an appetite for this type of food.  At the same time, no specific data specifies the intake of sweeteners like stevia or additives like ketchup will be harmful to your health. Diana assured there is no precise information about a lot of myths, but, is always better to go for the natural options and in case of any doubt, see a specialist. 

In the other hand, she gave some advice for the different scenarios that sometimes patients in treatment might present: in case of nausea or vomit, don’t be around strong smells or flavors and eat at least 2 hours before treatment, keep hydrated and do small portions of meals. In case of having your defenses low, it is essential to recognize no food will automatically bring them up, the best thing to do is to avoid raw food or cooked in excessively high temperatures like grilling, to mention a few cases. 

To conclude the event, the Mexican Association of Entrepreneur Woman chapter San Jose del Cabo presided by Yvette Bonifaz made the delivery of a check in support to the Breast Cancer Society foundation for the purchase of prostheses and sleeves, reiterating the commitment of both associations for the benefit of the Los Cabos society. 


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