
In my life as a student, there were always “multiple choice” exams and invariably the “all of the above” option would eventually appear.

I mention this, because on this occasion, with our issue being on meeting and conventions tourism, I could write about one or more reasons to  make Los Cabos your choice for this type of trips; connectivity, installed tourist infrastructure, number of rooms, weather, transportation, recreational activities, but I could also simply say: for all of  the above.

In this issue we present a number of articles that will offer an experience to delve into each one of them to know a little more about the beauty of the state of Baja California Sur.

Articles that tell us about history, from its origins when the first human groups appeared in the peninsula and left the first vestiges of their presence through cave paintings.

Perhaps eight or nine millennia ago was when the caves of the Municipality of Mulegé were painted, and there they have remained to the delight of those who have had the fortune to visit them.

However, long before that the marine inhabitants of the Gulf of California evolved into a unique ecosystem with numerous species interacting in ways unlike anywhere else in the world. Expeditions from National Geographic, Jacques Cousteau, Scripps, Universities and Oceanographic Institutes from around the world, carry out routine and periodic studies to understand why the “Aquarium of the Americas” is still both a preferred migratory route and a natural habitat for thousands of marine species.


More than 46 years ago, an article by Francisco Aramburo was published narrating briefly, yet clearly, the evangelization and missionary period in Baja California. Its content is wonderfully enriched in this issue with a piece by Gabriel Fonseca expanding on the Jesuit participation during that moment in time. And while today there are only vestiges of what was the Camino Real, which ran from Cabo San Lucas to Alta California, don’t miss the insightful articles by Enrique Hambleton and Ignacio “Nacho” Félix Cota. Do not be surprised if it happens to be that the hotel where you are staying is built on what one day was this important road, which witnessed thousands of trips and caravans of the long-ago inhabitants of this wonderful land.

To talk of various points throughout the peninsula, would require many pages of endless stories, here we feature some of the most iconic such as:  Cabo Pulmo, world famous for its beautiful reefs; Comondú, Mulegé and San Ignacio, which when visited on horseback, on foot, or riding all-terrain vehicles, allow us to appreciate their historic and natural wealth, from their endemic flora and fauna species, to the centuries old constructions that still stand.

We finish with articles from Loreto and Todos Santos, beautiful destinations of great tourist, artistic and gastronomic interest, which have also proven their real estate and residential potential over the last few decades.

Last, but not least, rather in order to make sense of all the above, Joaquín Precoma gives us an overview of the development the area has experienced and of the architectural expectations for Los Cabos, one of the most important tourist destinations with some of the most rapid growth in the world. Having started its tourist course about 60 years ago, today Los Cabos has established itself as the ideal place for sport fishing, golf, gastronomic adventures and natural well-being.

So, as I mentioned at the beginning, when it comes to meetings, incentives, conventions, conferences or tradeshow travel; the answer that best applies to the question of “Why Choose Cabo?” is; all of the above.

This magazine is for you to enjoy it, read it from “end to end”, come, relax and confirm why Baja California Sur is your best option for your next meeting.

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