Change your habits, change your mind, change your body with California Ranch Market

This month, California Ranch Market welcomed a dear friend to their campaign: Vero Vejar. She is one of a kind health coach and the expert when talking about the importance of making habits changes.   

You will be thrilled with her special advices for California Ranch Market followers. To begin, she said that every change is a process that you can’t rush. It must be gradual, something that can be incorporated into your lifestyle. It must be flexible, so the change doesn’t scare you to the point that you want to quit, and finally, it must not make you feel that it is becoming too hard to continue with.  

Another important recommendation is to eat as many greens, vegetables, and fruits as you can. This habit will make you automatically lose weight, and because the food it’s live and fresh, clean, and good your body will immediately react differently. Stop consuming merchandise that has labels on it!  

Talking about labels, here it is another great tip: read everything before you buy the product. If you began reading labels, you would know |what is that you are putting in your body. Vero says the first ingredient is the one the product has the most. So, if it says “sugar”… do you think is healthy? The answer is no.   

One of the main differences between a health coach and a nutritionist is that Vero doesn’t count calories, she teaches to eat clean and healthy while a nutritionist will give you diets and a regimen. You choose which professional it’s better for you and your needs!  

Of course, with a proper nutrition plan, along comes exercise! This is something you have to do to see changes. In the interview made by California Ranch Market, Vero named endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, which are chemicals that you activate when working out and, eventually, you’ll return without thinking about it, because you’ll want that satisfactory feeling.   

Vero’s final highlight is if you eat healthily and acquire all the vitamins and nutrients from your main meals, you will not need snacks. But, if that’s not the case, always choose healthy options such as 

  1. Vegetables with lemon and salt like carrots or cucumber.  
  2. Rice or quinoa toast with avocado, lemon and hemp seeds.   
  3. On the sweet side, peanut butter, or almond with some berry.   
  4. Green apple with almond butter tastes delicious, and the combination brings a lot of energy!   
  5. Chia pudding is rich in omega fats that give us clarity to continue our journey.  

The change will happen only if you put your mind into it. You are in charge of what happens to your body, to your health. Follow California Ranch Market and see what other great tips their monthly guests have in mind for you.   

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