“La Casa de Piedra” welcomed the authorities from the three levels of government, the Board of Trustees, the aldermen who form part of the Honorable Tenth City Council of Loreto, and the general public to commemorate the signing of the Act of Adhesion of the Californias to the established Mexican Republic in 1824.

Loreto is the birthplace of Alta and Baja California, where cities, towns, and ranches originated. This place has a rich history and has witnessed numerous events shaping the future. It has been a place of aspiration for many, but only a few have achieved their dreams. For more than three centuries, it has been a cherished home to families and the starting point of the Royal Missionary Road.
“For millennia, it was inhabited by the ancestral Guaycura and Cochimí peoples. , who fished their species from the sea and from the land their fruits and animals for their sustenance; indomitable people who did not bow to the sword, but who peacefully received Father Eusebio Francisco Kino and later Juan María de Salvatierra, who with no other weapons than the cross and their unwavering faith and vocation, began the historical process of this beautiful region of the Californias, on October 25, 1697, an event of enormous transcendence that gave birth to our people: the Sudcalifornian people! “, said Loreto’s President Paola Cota Davis.

The signing of the Act of Accession of the Californias in 1824It was a painful process for all of “New Spain,” which led to the country’s independence movement. This event was ennobled 199 years ago on August 16, 1824. When foreign forces threatened to invade and take over, the citizens of Loreto and the Californias – Alta and Baja – demonstrated immense bravery and courage. They stood firm in their belief that these territories were integral to the Mexican Republic.