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The new Board of Directors of AFEET Baja California Sur was sworn in, with Karla Casillas as the new President.

The new members of the Board of Directors for the Women’s Association of Tourism Business Executives (AFEET) in the Baja California Sur branch were sworn in on March 20, 2024, at Nobu Hotel Los Cabos. AFEET is an organization that brings together women in management positions and businesswomen in the tourism industry.

Mauricio Salicrup, the President of the Los Cabos Hotel Association (AHLC), presided over the protocol ceremony. Maribel Collins, the Secretary of Tourism of Baja California Sur, was also present along with Karim Baldamus Paasche, the National President of AFEET, Verónica Ruiz, the outgoing President of AFEET Baja California Sur branch, and Karla Casillas, the President of AFEET Baja California Sur branch of the Board of Directors for the period 2024-2025. The ceremony was conducted by Jazmín Almada, Director of Proyecta MX. Among those present were special guests and the media.

“I want to start with what I consider most important. Perhaps you do not remember it because the words fade away when we give a speech. Still, when we started together on the path of the Baja California Sur affiliate, I extended to my dear associates a special invitation: not only to witness our beginning but to be companions of this journey, accomplices, advisors and, above all, friends. And many of us have honoured that request,” said Veronica Ruiz, who reviewed the results of her administration, such as the support to social causes of significant impact for Baja California Sur, the Zero Garbage initiative of El Pescadero and Todos Santos, led by Bryan Batson Jauregui, of Todos Santos ECO Adventures. The contribution to sustainable tourism forums was mentioned.

Mauricio Salicrup also dedicated emotional words to the attendees: “Sometimes, as a man, we don’t think about it, but I want to reflect now and name all the women in influential positions. Not only that, but I also remember that when I left home, the leader of the house was my mother. I went with four sisters who were always pillars and guides for yours truly. Now that I am in the Los Cabos Hotel Association, I am surrounded by women; the president and the director are women, among others who surround me. Today, my boss is a woman. You are gaining space daily; I congratulate you all. You are a source of pride.

AFEET Baja California Sur

The distinctive pin was then presented to Karla Casillas, making the new presidency official. “Together, we are moving towards a future of inclusion and social responsibility. Thank you very much to each of you for being part of this path we are taking together today,” he said.

Maribel Collins closed the ceremony and addressed the praesidium on behalf of Victor Castro Cosio, Governor of Baja California Sur: “It is a pleasure to witness the inauguration of the AFEET Board of Directors 2024 – 2025; first of all, I would like to thank Karla Casillas, now President, for her invitation. The entire board of great women will play a great role. The empowerment of women has a lot ahead: where a woman is, as a balance to men, has better results”.

AFEET Baja California Sur

Thus, and to great applause, the new Board of Directors 2024-2025 was formed:

President: Karla Casillas | Karla Casillas & Co.

Vice President: Lilzi Orcí | Asociación de Hoteles de Los Cabos.

Secretary: Jazmin Almada | Proyecta MX.

Treasurer: Claudia del Pino | Tendencia.


AFEET is the Asociación Femenil de Ejecutivas de Empresas Turísticas de la República Mexicana A.C. It was founded in 1970 with the objective of bringing together women in management positions and owners of the most representative companies in the tourism industry, fostering unity, cooperation, friendship and networking among its members.


Maintain high values of ethics, professionalism, trust and competitiveness. Promote the tourism activity inside and outside our country with professionalism. Strengthen social programs. Raise awareness of the importance of sustainability through actions.


To be a key link in the production chain in the tourism industry that always has the initiative to adapt to changes and progress for the benefit of tourism and our members.

It is a part of:

National Tourism Business Council, made up of business people, Chambers and Associations at the national level, is committed to promoting sustainable tourism growth through investments based on profitability and trust.

UN Tourism recognizes the most pressing challenges that are facing tourism. It identifies the sector’s capacity to overcome them and drive positive change on a larger scale, given the opportunities that responsible tourism opens up to advance the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) promotes sustainable growth for the travel and tourism sector, working with governments and international institutions to create jobs, boost exports and generate prosperity. The members of the Council are the chairmen, presidents and CEOs of the world’s leading private-sector travel and tourism companies.

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