The Interview – Holly Ives

In 1982, a hard winter in the United States led Holly and her family to vacation for the first time in Los Cabos. It was an amazing six weeks. After enjoying the beauty of the destination and the lifestyle, she decided to leave her successful yoga studio in Seattle and move here permanently in 1999 to give her six children a better quality of life.

“Wellness for me is having a balanced life. We come into this world with natural gifts and talents and we should use them to strengthen our areas of weakness. You can’t focus on just one thing and forget other areas because then balance is lost. A healthy body, spirit and mind exudes wellness.”

Holly began practicing yoga after an accident that injured her spine while working for a reforestation company.

“A friend invited me to practice this discipline. At first I was reluctant. I thought it consisted of seated meditation and chanting. The first session was a challenge. I didn’t even have the flexibility required to reach my knees. After three days, my back was perfect.”

For Holly, attitude is the biggest challenge to overcome when looking for a life change. One must be connected with the body through the mind. Yoga seeks to change the body without stress. The goal is to get the best out of oneself.

“Yoga is one more way to achieve balance. It has been the thread that holds my life together and gives meaning. It is tied to everything I do. Life is like a melody. Sometimes the rhythm is slow and other times fast. We must learn to move to the rhythm. In yoga, each exercise has a purpose. This is why I seek to teach the basics. So you can perform the exercise correctly and even apply it to life.”

Everything is connected and affects the quality of one’s life. Making wellness a part society also requires that we take care of the environment, including how food is grown, the marketing process and the humane treatment of animals. Relating with all the elements of our environment is a definite part of wellness.

Something to consider is what kind of footprint we leave on the world. You cannot change the body without changing your mind, and you cannot change your mind without changing your spirit. We are on a small planet together. If we all thought that we are family and we would focus on relationships rather than material goods, the world would change in a day.”

Discipline is the foundation of everything. Some people have talent and can easily achieve a yoga position. However, when you don’t have an innate ability, it is through dedication, time and commitment that you can achieve a goal.

“I am inspired by the stories of people who succeed and overcome any obstacle, despite not having economic means, education or skills. It is the attitude they have toward life that leads them to achieve goals and do it with a smile. That requires discipline.”

“Although Los Cabos has changed, it has remained a safe place and the surrounding landscape of sea, sky, mountains and desert has everything necessary to enjoy a life of wellness. Is our responsibility to take care of this environment.”

“Be kind to the people you meet, for everyone is facing a battle of which you know nothing.”


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The word yoga literally translates to union, the union of matter (body) and the mind. There are eight branches of yoga: personal behavior and integrity, self-discipline, concentration, posture and body maintenance, meditation, mastering breathing, contemplation of an inner world, and super conscious awareness.

Yoga is simple, but not easy. Actually, there are 84 Hindu original positions that are applied to the basic series of Ghosh.

Hatha yoga is the yoga most widely used worldwide, and is known for its asanas (or body positions). It is a system of physical postures whose purpose is to ensure that the body is capable of achieving the goals of the other seven branches of yoga. Asanas generate physical and mental serenity, so that a devout yogi can sit for several hours in a meditation posture without suffering fatigue or restlessness.



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Issue 29 - Life in Balance
Welcome to our Life in Balance issue. We hope you enjoy the interviews with the influential people of Los Cabos who have made wellness their life’s work. All are recognized experts in the fields of fitness, nutrition and sports and they’re ready to share their valuable advice on the many different methods for getting and staying healthy.