Recognized and respected producer, screenwriter and film commissioner, Hugo has been appointed director of the Los Cabos Film Festival, one of the youngest and fastest growing festivals in Latin America.

“Los Cabos has the perfect combination of glamour, luxury, hotels, quality service and geographic location. Small, medium and large producers can find accommodations that suit their budgets and receive excellent service in each of location. The hospitality of the people is the main attraction of Los Cabos. The tourist services industry, in particular, considers the destination as the best venue for the film festival.”

The wide range of projects in which Hugo Villa has participated includes films, TV series, documentaries and commercials. His comprehensive resume places him in a favorable position for assuming the direction of Los Cabos Film Festival.

“My academic background is strange. By family tradition, I started in law school but studied only four semesters. I had to leave to work on film projects. I founded a production house where we made feature films. Later, they contacted me to collaborate in the production of foreign films like Troy in Los Cabos.”


After a couple of years as a unit manager and working in production services with foreign studios in Mexico such as Showtime, Warner Bros and Sony Pictures, Hugo spent two years as Production Assistant at the Mexican Institute of Cinematography followed by four years as Director of Production of IMCINE. He completed his law studies during this time.

“After completing my degree, I joined the Mexican Filming Group and then a production company providing production advice and contract writing services. This led me to a specialty in film copyrights. At the invitation of the Secretary of Culture, I accepted the position of Film Directorate of Mexico City until March 2017 when the Los Cabos Film Festival invited me to lead this program.”

Becoming the director of the festival is an interesting challenge. He now has the responsibility of the sales floor and a platform for displaying luxury items, like a fine jewelry shop. The festival team chooses a gourmet menu of shows that are harmonious. He is enthusiastic about the projects that are still in the embryonic stage and display great promise to producers.

This year the Film Festival emphasizes a commitment to the residents of Los Cabos and the south peninsula by organizing events of social responsibility that offer a path to the world of arts. There will be a series of outdoor screenings throughout the year called “Cinema for All” and academic training called “Los Cabos Talent” with universities in Baja California Sur.

Over the four evenings of the festival, a dynamic gala called “Rush Line” will be held. Some of the first people to arrive to meet the artists have the opportunity to be selected to view the screening.

[/two_first][two_second] Another novelty this year is the Los Cabos Meet Market, a format that encourages more intimate encounters with producers and scriptwriters from the North American and Canadian markets. The most valuable possession Mexico has to offer is human capital and these events are the perfect opportunity to demonstrate one’s potential.

“This is a good meeting place for tripartite relations. At the same time, we will try to give due attention to the process of writing scripts, especially for television. Writing teams play an important role in the success of a television series.

Right now is a great moment in the production of Mexican cinema. More is being produced with consistent quality and result in a reasonable level of success. Every year, Mexican films are shown at the Cannes, Berlin, Venice and San Sebastian festivals.”


The powerful and wild combination of the sea and desert made Hugo fall in love with Los Cabos the first time he visited. It was during the filming of Troy. The desire to return and work on this peninsula is one of his greatest motivations.

The Mexico-United States-Canada axis will remain a priority. All three share a great deal of creative talent and can nurture each other with the most essential element: creativity that captures the audience’s imagination.

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Edición 33 - Sueña, Planea & Experimenta
Edición 33 - Sueña, Planea & Experimenta
Estudios han sugerido que la capacidad de una ciudad para adaptarse a los cambios determina su habilidad para competir en el mundo. El aumento del tráfico aéreo y el interés en nuevas inversiones demuestra la competitividad de Los Cabos. De una manera eficiente, se conserva el dinamismo con eventos de diferente personalidad que permiten promover este destino en diversos segmentos de mercado, así esta península logra una posición envidiable como uno de los sitios turísticos favoritos para visitar. En esta edición, presentamos algunas interesantes entrevistas y artículos sobre lo que acontece en Los Cabos. ¡Disfrútalos!


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