The Legend

The name of San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas was originally named Yenecamu by the native Pericues Indians. The meaning of the name was a “place where two waters meet.”

The first version of why the location was given this name was because this is where the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean come together. The second version was because the salty waters of the sea combine with the fresh waters of an estuary located on El Medano beach.


Over time, the port has had several names: Nueva Albion, Puerto Seguro, Kingdom of Nueva Andalucia and Villa San Felipe. Francisco de Bolaños named the port Cabo San Lucas on October 18th, 1541.

One version of the story stated that Bolaños was surprised by a large waterspout when anchoring in the bay. The crew prayed for protection to a statue of San Lucas the captain kept in his cabin.

At that moment, the wind swept the boat to the beach and the crew was safe.


To show their gratitude, the crew anointed the location with the name of their protector.

A curious fact is that on all the maps prior to this date, San Lucas appeared with the name of Whales. Perhaps because this is where cetaceans chose to give birth to their offspring.

Leyenda adaptada del libro “Memorias del Vigía”; del Autor, Gustavo de la Peña Avilés.
Legend adapted from the book Las Memorias del Vigia, written for the contemporary historian Gustavo de la Peña Aviles.

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