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Stand Strong

Fundación Letty Coppel

“All the world’s gold means nothing. What lasts are the good works we do for others.” Adolfo Pietro

Letty Coppel Foundation was created with the idea that good works are those that endure. The foundation’s philanthropic work includes five areas that promote the quality of life for the employees of the Pueblo Bonito group and for other members of the community.

Philanthropic areas:

– Ecology

– Social Support

– Community Development

– Job Growth

– Culture and Knowledge

Banco BBVA Bancomer 
Fundación LC del Norte A.C.
Account Number: 0193872971
Cuenta Clabe: 012180001938729713


Banco BBVA Bancomer
Fundación LC del Norte A.C.
Account Number: 0110618748
Cuenta Clabe: 012180001106187488

Armando Bustamante
Fundación L.C. del Norte A.C.
RTN Number: 121000248
Swift Code: WFBIUS6S
Account Number: 6709688086

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