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The path of peace in The Cape, a Thompson Hotel

There is no better feeling, better emotion than when you are at peace. Nowadays, it is easy to miss the peace you felt before, days can pass by weeks and even months, and then realized your peace is missing.

When I hear that there is a new meditation experience where you can be at peace, I do not hesitate to take it. In this case, The Cape, a Thompson Hotel was the one who invited us to return to the here and now. To the presence, to that peace.

I arrived early, at 5:00 pm, just in time to watch the sunset appeared on the beach. Something characteristic about The Cape, a Thompson Hotel, is his proximity to the Arch of Cabo San Lucas. A difficult thing to do is describe the landscape with the color’s reds and pinks, blue, green, and brown.

That same view welcomed me with open arms when I arrived at the location, just below Sunset Monalisa. It was a circle, with several rugs looking to the Arch and the beach. You could see Paulina, our guide, in the center, and in each rug, there were towels, a bottle of water, and another towel that would help you achieve your position.

The amenities were a friendly greeting because it reminded you about the importance of the little details, which is what I admire the most, in this case, about The Cape, a Thompson Hotel. The service is beyond anything you imagined: the welcoming smile, the chocolate, the slippers, the thrive to serve. What difference those little details do!

After a few minutes, the group was complete. We were young people and not that young, and that is the beauty of yoga and meditation. You do not need much —maybe have some knowledge of the postures —but it is universal to feel good.

The breeze of the sea, the sound of the waves, the whispers of people coming in the same way as I —trying to imagine what to expect —and a sun hidden behind the hill were some of the stimuli I received with joy because it didn’t matter how tiny the action was, it felt like peace.

When the class began, the atmosphere changed. The stars appeared just below us with a full moon that gave us energy and vitality. I went into a kind of trance which made my mind go to the present, a difficult thing to achieve.

We do not need to fear when mind, body, and cosmos comes as one, we need to embrace it as part of us because at that moment is when you connect with yourself.

The music was relaxing, and you could only hear it as a whisper, as a type of companion. The teacher’s voice-guided each position, the waves crashed in the sand, and the moon illuminated the path.

Almost at the end of the class, as I was lying on the floor, I opened my eyes and saw the firelight up. In that second, I felt how, with every breath, I exhaled negativity and worries and inhaled love and wellbeing.

“Finally, I thought. Finally, there’s some peace”.

The Cape, a Thompson Hotel, is well known for delivering an experience that touches every fiber of your body. That day was not the exception. We open our minds, nourish our bodies, elevate our souls, and find peace above anything else.

You can enjoy this experience every full moon, so book your space with family and friends at or by calling 624-163-0000.

The Cape, a Thompson Hotel, welcomes you to Mind, Body, and Soul Sessions.

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