The South Californian Dunes

There is a romance between sea, sand, and land in Sudcalifornia. From the sea comes the winds that form those wonderfully singular figures of sand that are perfectly traced half-moons, stars, and more. This soil is the possessor of many wonderful spaces where accumulations or mountains of sand are formed in both desert areas and on the coasts. The dunes are like another sea but made of sand.

Marco Polo tells in Book of the Marvels of the World how he heard the drum of the sands when crossing the Mongolian plains. The origin of the edge of the dunes is in the synchronization of the sand grains as they run off one another, forming the typical crevices that are often observed on the dunes and sandbanks. However, it is not possible to find these ridges in all the dunes due to the geomorphological conditions. But yes, what we hear in most of the dune fields is the soft hiss or murmur caused by the wind when it hits the sand.

In this diverse landscape, in this space of land, in this southern California geography, we can travel from north to south or south to north and find adventure, mystery and romance.

In the Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve are the Dunas de la Soledad, also called Dunas de Don Miguelito. The dunes are located approximately six miles east of the Guerrero Negro Lagoon, a place that borders and contrasts with the sea in a spectacular way. The naturally formed dunes serve as a protective barrier against the onslaught of waves and winds caused by natural phenomena.

The dunes of Bahia Magdalena are another wonderful attraction in the scented land of South California. The dunes are a special invitation to enjoy not only a sea of sand, but also an entire biodiversity that integrates islands and wetlands and where marine life and wildlife are part of the entire natural complex. This is a charming piece of land full of mysteries and adventure.

In La Paz, there is an ecosystem of coastal dunes close to the city, just 30 minutes away. Heading north on the Transpeninsular Highway, you will reach the junction to San Juan de La Costa. At kilometer 4, turn onto a dirt road that will lead to the sea and the Mogote dunes. The guardians of the desert (cactus), with their extravagant shapes, as well as trees and a variety of plants will accompany your journey. Fauna awaits you with roadrunners, lizards, hares, red and yellow cardinals, and ospreys resting on the cactus. Sunset is the perfect time to enjoy the Mogote dunes. From here, you have a spectacular view of the city of La Paz and the boardwalk.

To the south of the Mulege River and near the Bahia Concepcion are the dunes of El Gallito. The reference point is a volcanic hill. It is possible to appreciate the dunes from the transpeninsular highway. In autumn, you can see the sands shining an intense green.

Scented Soil has countless other areas with dunes including in the vicinity of Cabo San Lucas, in the area around Cabo del Este, and various other parts of the great South Californian peninsula. The dunes are tourist attractions conducive to adventure, walking, and having fun on surf boards over the sands. The mystery these resources contain are beyond the imagination. At dawn, during the day, at dusk or at night, whether in the dark or in moonlight, the dunes are ideal places of mystery. They also favor romance by letting emotions flow.

The hidden shield provided by the dunes is demonstrated when the waves remove sand from the ocean bottom and deposit it on the beach. The water depth is decreased in such a way that it causes the waves to break a little further out, providing more protection. That is why the basic ingredients of a dune are sand, wind and a little vegetation.

A dune is also home to plants and animals, some of which can only survive in dune environments and are in danger of extinction. Dunes are vulnerable spaces where humans must interact with positive actions and attitudes towards these natural resources.

The dunes are like a capricious silhouette … born in this southern Californian desert, twinned with the winds, a litter of great legends … land orphaned of water … and a lavish of cacti, red flowers, and love.

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