The Mystical City of Loreto

Any exploration of the north of Baja California Sur must include a visit to Loreto, one of the 132 magical towns in Mexico. Adventure can be found written in the waves, in the presence of the cactus and the passage of time etched in the face of the gigantic mountains.

However, nature is not the only attraction. This land located in the heart of the peninsula treasures the memory of the Jesuit and Spanish cultures. It was the location where the first South Californian mission was established.

Following are a few places that you will most assuredly enjoy and want to post on Instagram.

Loreto Boardwalk

An excellent place to contemplate sunrises and sunsets. A jog along the boardwalk is a great way to start the day or to simply relax on one of the benches and enjoy the view of the many endemic birds and the gentle rolling of the waves.


Historical Center

The Mission of Our Lady of Loreto is located in the center of town. Founded in 1697, it is the oldest mission of the Californias. The picturesque streets of the town square are a good reason to bring the family together as well as a teaching opportunity for the local history. The gaze of Queen Calafia welcomes you to the municipal building and a mural that, like a timeline, narrates the events from the life of the first settlers and the evolution of the town to today’s generations.

Mission of San Javier

With a baroque style, “the jewel of the missions” is one of the best preserved in the State. It is located in the small community with the same name. The local economy includes agriculture, livestock and wine production. There are also olive trees more than 300 years old and a pantheon where some of the first settlers of Baja California Sur are said to rest.

Coronado Island

This is a must on any itinerary. Imagine being in a place with pristine waters, white beaches and desert sand all at the same time. Here you can bird watch, snorkel or enjoy a picnic surrounded by nature and tranquility. With just a little luck, you will be treated to the spectacle of sea lions and resident dolphins frolicking in the waves.

Danzante Island

This is an option for adventurers who wish to explore volcanic cliffs inhabited by reptiles and cactus, and still have an opportunity to swim with the multiple minnows in the surrounding sea. On the way to this island, you will find a rock window that, although it seems chiseled, was created by mother nature. It is a completely Instagrammable spot! The view on the horizon from the top is surreal and a moment in time you will never forget.

Loreto is a Protected Natural Area in Mexico. As a result, it’s smart to learn the rules and regulations before visiting this South Californian nirvana.

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