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Presentation of the Book: “Anclados al fin de la tierra”

Yesterday May 18 in Cabo San Lucas, it took place within the facilities of the Municipal Public Library Profra. Amelia Wilkes Ceseña, the introduction to the book “Anclados al fin de la tierra: Historia de una estipe californiana” created by the historian and writer, Gustavo de la Peña Avilés. 

Representatives of government authorities, special guests, and enthusiastic locals were present. 

“It is very exciting for me every time a regional history book is born; the inspiration to write it, type its chapters on the computer, correct it, design it, send it to print, receive it, seek support for presentations and sell it, is a long and often lonely and cumbersome process. It is not easy at all, not everyone can do it, so being part of this presentation in our Sanlúcar community should be a source of collective joy.” commented teacher and activist Vicky Güereña Mills. 

The book narrates the family history of the author, supported by anecdotes, memoirs, letters, magazines, and photographs of his relatives and distant relatives, it was edited by the Instituto Sudcaliforniano de Cultura (ISC) to promote Bajacalisur cultural descent. 

“I shaped my: “this is us”, I come from a native family, by both parents, with blood from Santiago, La Paz, and San José del Cabo. Inside this book is my family tree, made with a documentary part and an oral part. This writing can serve for future projects, as a family guide or as a research source.” The author commented. 

The presentation ended with applause and with the best wishes for the young writer, very soon we will read new work. 

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