“Abintestato de Gumongo”, an immersive theatre play that seeks to reinforce memory.

The play “Abintestato de Gumongo,” directed and written by Fernando Martín Velazco, is a new immersive theatre experience in Loreto. It will run from Wednesdays to Sundays from 7:00 pm until April 21, 2024.

This work is part of ‘ÁNOMOS, or the lawless land’, a cycle that questions the forms of organization and narration of life in contemporary times. The project was developed by Fernando Martín Velazco during the artist residency “Accelerating degrowth” AIR InSilo in Hollabrunn, Austria, in October 2022.

The work is fiction, and its creators clarify that it does not represent peoples and traditions and discourage any attempt to use its content as a factual reference. They warn that dates, places, characters, and historical documents are only referred to for entertainment.

“Abintestato de Gumongo” was developed with the help of pre-generative data models (Artificial Intelligence). It focuses on those who believe that magic is a certainty and that objects found in nature could hide a hidden soul that, in turn, could -secretly- influence the destiny of their bearers. As a kind of power amulet.

The work explores the idea that objects attempt to reconstruct a series of lost memories. In this recovery lies the possibility of these objects coming to life and influencing the destiny of those who carry them.

Even when rationalism has dispelled the magical notions of everyday life, the impulses to consider particular objects “alive” have persisted, as if a spell still wanted to inhabit our modern technologies.

The work is being done with the backing of the Fideicomiso de Turismo de Loreto (FITULORE), an association of private companies supported by the State Government. The main objective of FITULORE is to promote Loreto, B.C.S., as a global travel destination, highlighting its rich culture, history, natural beauty, and willingness to welcome visitors from all parts of the world.

Save your spot!

“Abintestato de Gumongo”

Season from April 3 to 21, 2024, in Loreto, BCS. Limited capacity.

Performances: Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 7:00 pm.

Take advantage of the premiere week discount. Tickets at: https://boletia.com/billboards/abintestato-de-gumongo

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