Community Alliance Baja California Sur

Respect, integrity, and a collaborative way of solve problems are some of the pillars of Community Alliance Baja California Sur, these are the values that the members of this noble coalition want to project with all their deeds. The Alliance knows the importance of each contributor to ensure meeting the needs of the community in the different sectors, and to keep operating successfully in the State.

For this reason, last month, on September 29th a special recognition was presented in honor of the labor of Mexican armed forces and members of the State’s Security Board that had participated actively with commitment and solidarity to this honorable cause.

The ravages of the pandemic forged a path of uncertainty. However, the situation tested us, and reflects the best and worst of humanity. This was the incentive to motivate citizens to contribute with solutions that would achieve economic growth, social cohesion and healthy ecosystems.

Over the past 6 months, staff have joined the volunteers of the Alliance during food deliveries throughout the peninsula’s territory. More than 97,000 families in the 5 municipalities were able to receive food aid.

Personnel of SEDENA, SEMAR and the National Guard acted with responsibility and discipline to keep and guard the physical integrity of the trained volunteers, following the biosafety protocols now required.

The community’s willingness to help exceeded expectations by obtaining more than 216,000 supplies and $15 million pesos in medical equipment. In this way, it was possible to benefit the two main goals of the Alliance: deliver food aid and provide health supplies to the local institutions.

Donors effort –national and international— had been translated into support to numerous families during these hard times.

The number of contributors increases as time goes by. Nowadays the Alianza para la Seguridad Alimentaria de BCS will also be joining to support the process of food delivery to community kitchens for the rest of the year. In words of McKenzie Campbell, member of the Alliance Council, the success “has been a testament of citizen generosity”.

Community Alliance of Baja California Sur continues firmly in its mission, joining efforts with the community to address the needs of health institutions and families in the State’s municipalities. The willing spirit behind this alliance reflects the greatness that can be achieved through a teamwork motivated by solidarity, leadership and kindness.

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