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The Interview: Oscar Ortiz, Jaime Llaca

The beginning of the journey

Planning is always different from reality. You may plan to ​​visit certain places and schedule a specific number of days for each site. However, nature invites you to stay longer than expected, because each place is unique and different.


My first tour of Baja California Sur was approximately fifteen years ago. I had the opportunity to drive from Los Cabos to Tijuana. On that occasion, I made almost no stops. I just let myself be surprised by the landscape. After that, I said I wanted to go back in time and see each place little by little. The next opportunity was 2008, in the middle of the influenza alert. We took a break from work and boarded two boats to Concepción Bay. Once on land, we journeyed for miles and miles. We spent 14 days camping from one island to the next until we reached Cabo San Lucas. It was extraordinary! In total, I have enjoyed the experience about 20 times.


The most surprising thing for me were the people. They are friendly, very helpful, they treat you like an acquaintance, are eager to receive visitors and are experts in regional geography. Each place has a quiet lifestyle, which inspires you to reconnect your senses with the environment. That detachment from the material world makes you appreciate what is truly important.

There are two moments I would highlight on this occasion. First, discovering the basaltic prisms was sensational. I had not visited this site before and the climb up those capricious rock formations guided by the locals somehow reminded me that life is full of challenges, but there is a reward at the top. The second was the glen of three virgins. It was like entering a museum where the story is told through the colors and walls.


The first time I went on this adventure was a year and a half ago due to work. I had been living in Los Cabos for 28 years and I could hardly claim that I had seen the whole peninsula. In fact, I was surprised that there were so many beautiful things, so close and I didn’t know it. Since then, I have traveled the peninsula six times! I spend three or four days getting to know each location. There is really never enough time to discover everything each place has to offer.


Reaching the Volcano of the Three Virgins was personally the moment that affected me the most. I had never been there before. To see the fossils that told the history and to think that millions of years ago this peninsula was formed and is still here for all to witness was astonishing. Traveling up and down hills, walking for miles and then reaching the paintings, the colored stones, and breathing the fresh air was completely incredible. Each trip comes with unique moments and even with experienced guides, the journey presented us with challenges. However, it was gratifying to get out of our comfort zone and discover that nature draws an internal energy or force from each of us that is inspirational!

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