7 books of Sudcalifornia Literature

#InternationalBookDay #StayHome

We have heard that reading takes you to other worlds, it also transports you to the past and at the moment it allows you to disconnect a little from reality. A book is a journey that speaks differently to each reader, from which we all learn something. That is why we leave you here 7 books that are worth reading about Baja California Sur.


  1. “El Amadís de Gaula– Las Sergas de Esplandián” Garcí Rodríguez de Montalvo.

Technically this book of chivalry does not talk about Baja California Sur, however, legends say it was the inspiration of the Spanish when they saw the cape of the peninsula. Warm Fornax, California … a kingdom of fantasy and reality … We all wish we were in that kingdom, that’s why it tops the list of literature!


  1. “Mitos, Leyendas y Tradiciones Sudcalifornianas” Leonardo Reyes Silva

Continuing with the fantasy genre, myth is a form of narrative that seeks to explain sacred events and explain extraordinary events. The legend for its part narrates historical real events, although generally they cannot be verifiable. Baja California Sur is a place formed by both stories, they are part of the cultural baggage of the towns.


  1. “De la Memoria al Olvido. Monumentos, esculturas en la ciudad de La Paz, BCS.” Juan Cuauhtémoc Murillo

The buildings, sculptures and monuments also tell us stories. For art lovers, this book includes 51 photographs of works located in the capital city.

Art in all its disciplines helps us define our world, that is, to create it. This anthology is a look at fragments of the world that we have built in the last half century.


  1. “Retazos Históricos y evocaciones de Loreto” Estela Davis

The first capital of the first California. A book that narrates part of Loreto’s historical past with complete foundations and from the heart. Because we all need to remember the past to appreciate growth and motivate ourselves towards the future.


  1. “Las Memorias del Vigía” Gustavo de la Peña Avilés

The enigma of Puerto San Lucas is revealed between stories and clues that the author is weaving in this narrative. An adventure tour with corsairs, treasures, conquerors and natural disasters. Yes, this port has long supported … and here it goes.


  1. “Poemarío Culinario Sudcaliforniano” Armando Trasviña Taylor

Culinary art is such in Baja California Sur that a book of poems arises from the pen of this author, it is undoubtedly a classic of regional literature. Sharing a coffee from a bag, a freshly-made flour tortilla or a damiana tea will make you want to accompany this reading.


  1. “Ibó un cuento sobre pintura rupestre en Sudcalifornia” de José Marrón y Mónica Condes

Introduce children to reading with a character as curious as they are. Ibó’s fascinating story will leave children wanting to see these giant paintings. Thanks to the Instituto Sudcaliforniano de la Cultura now in audio story!

Find more options for children’s books in Tendencia Kids and discover reviews of each book and portraits of South Californian authors in our Sudcaliforniana Literature section.

“At a time when most schools around the world are closed and we must stay home, we can use the power of reading to combat isolation, strengthen ties between people, expand our horizons, while that we stimulate our minds and our creativity.”

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