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Suscribete a nuestro news letter y recibe contenido exclusivo


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Movie stories from home!

As every year, Los Cabos Film Festival surprises its audience with a curation of films that invite reflection and dialogue.

This ninth edition, in its virtual edition, in addition to the panels and question and answer session, introduces the section “In conversation with” where an actor will be interviewed by various renowned journalists. The public will be able to see the live broadcast from the festival’s Facebook account and YouTube channel.

Another novelty is that, for the first time, you will be able to access the platform from anywhere in the Mexican Republic!

Make sure you are using Safari or Microsoft Edge to access the streaming platform. You can download them in the following links:

We have some tips to personalize your experience and make the most of the 9th Los Cabos International Film Festival from home.

1- Prepare the ambiance. You can adapt a space at home to project as on the big screen or better yet, in your own television studio. Find out which restaurants have home delivery for an experience at Sala Paltinum.

2- Get comfortable and dress up. The opening and closing films deserve instastories to remember. It is an international film festival after all! Share your photos on social networks using # LosCabos9 #Reimagine ourselves

3- Follow the Film Guide. You already know the order of Marvel films… Now, within the festival’s program, you can choose which route to explore according to the topics that interest you! The tapes are selected as a common thread for a coherent speech.

4- Become a critic. Listen to the panels open to the public, and also schedule a space to see the transmissions “In Conversation With”. Go ahead and write your reviews of each film and also read the views of the experts.

5- Participate. You will have the opportunity to listen and ask questions with the directors of the 7 films in Los Cabos Competition. Know the times and dates here!

Remember that you can access the titles from the official site which will redirect you to the streaming platform where the only thing you will need is to create an account to be able to enter and enjoy the films that this year make up the program.

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