Tag: traveling

Traveling – Summer Insider 2021

Incredibly, we are already in the summer issue of 2021. Time seems to pass with an impressive fluidity. Despite the confinement, the pandemic, the...


Myths, legends, truncated and stolen stories, and burned and destroyed files make the history of Baja California Sur a true labyrinth when it comes...


Human beings move and travel by nature and, as in everything, there are fixed conditions and variable conditions. Nowadays, all communication platforms, whether physical...

Traveling: Baja California Sur, Mexico

Much has already been written about the variety of Baja California Sur gastronomy. It doesn’t matter. It will never be enough to recognize the...


It seems like just a short time ago, and yet it has been 26 years since Cabo Real opened a golf course in Los...


Baja California Sur is the ideal location to incorporate architecture into nature. The range of colors, shapes, and textures contribute enormously to this artistic...


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