The Interview: Paola Compean Linage

Since I can remember, my father repeated the phrase: “remember, each mind is a world of its own.” He always pushed me to be the best version of myself. He was strong, determined, and loving. My mother has also been an example of kindness, generosity, strength, and resilience. All this was driven into me. Since I was a child, I questioned everything. When I reached adolescence, I spent a good deal of time observing other people’s behavior, as well as my own. The desire to investigate led me to study psychology with a focus on couple relationships. I also developed a passion for communicating and that’s how I entered the field of education.

I am Paola, I have been on the path of self-knowledge, education, and service for more than 30 years. I work at Colegio Amaranto with a team of wonderful human beings. Our priority is the well-being of each little person and each family that passes through our school.

Education begins from the moment we are born. The family is our first contact with the world. Our education continues when we move outside the family nucleus. We learn from each experience and from each person with whom we have contact. All of this influences our perception of the world.

The family is the nucleus of society. For Paola, the most important are her children and her husband who has been her most ardent supporter and life partner for 34 years.

Her world is a world of service and learning. It’s for this reason that during this global crisis, Paola and her work team at Colegio Amaranto – or as it is more commonly referred to as “the engine of its existence” – worked to find new ways to connect with children. The determining factors are and always will be the contact, love and personal approach to every life. This provides the ability to learn, assimilate and successfully adapt to new processes despite the challenges the children have faced.

How does she stay positive in the face of adversity? Paola is someone who resorts to gratitude. “Self-knowledge connects me with humility. I open my heart and I understand, accept and share. I act. I wake up with more and more lessons in my grasp. I appreciate.”

Each person does the best he or she can in the current environment. Goodbye to judging. The key to well-being is inside. Happiness is a state of mind, a decision, a discipline. Achieving congruence, that is the great challenge.

Paola is obviously a strong, generous and determined woman. She trusts not only in herself and others but above all in her life. Everything has its why and there is no room for making judgments. She respects every story.

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