Monthly Archives: December, 2017

Stand Strong

WE LOVE OUR TOWN Officially established in September 2017, the activities of Anamos Nuestro Pueblo are focused on developing opportunities for the vulnerable population of...

Cave paintings in Baja California Sur

Rock paintings are considered the oldest intangible cultural item in the world. In Mexico, it’s possible to find expressions of this nature in different...

From dusty road to the Camino Real in Southern California

The geography of the California peninsula has been delineated over thousands of years by trails carved through plains, valleys, crests of the sierra, and...

The 10 Historical and Cultural Attractions in La Paz

The first time Hernan Cortes arrived in La Paz was 1533. He was looking for an island inhabited by beautiful women and overflowing with...

Mission Ruins

My primary interest was to sketch and paint as many missions and ruins as I could find and time would permit. There are some...

Missionary History and Art

Church Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Todos Santos Todos Santos was originally a town dependent on the Mission of Our Lady of Pilar located in...


Popular articles

Chefs X Los Cabos 2024: A Dinner to Draw a Dream.

An exciting gastronomic event was held for the first...

“Amorcito Corazón, serás mi amor”, Event with Cause.

In addition to making life more beautiful, love songs...

Remote Destination: Place of Privilege

Those trails where the barefoot native and Jesuit friars...

La Mula 1000 Tribute to the Royal Road.

The 1000 Mule, as its name suggests, is a...