The Lost Salmon

Shortly after the travel industry reopened after the COVID-19 pandemic, people began looking for quiet resting places to enjoy the sea breeze, the sound of the waves and the natural beauty.

This legend originates in such a place, the Municipality of Mulege, a site of wonders that attracts visitors of all kinds by land and by sea. It was here on a hot summer day that Andres Camacho, a fisherman in the area, told of how a Keta Salmon was found in the bottom of his fishing net.

The beautiful specimen was caught in Puerto Escondido and intrigued all the fishermen. The curious thing is that the fish, from the salmonid family, lives in fresh water along the north coast of the Pacific Ocean, from Korea, Japan, Siberia, Alaska down to the south in San Diego.

The news of the unusual fish made it to all the social networks. Various theories were immediately posted about the Lost Salmon, attributing it to the La Niña sea current arriving in Baja California Sur. Or maybe, as like many of us, the fish was just looking for a vacation spot?

The truth is, such a specimen has never been found before in this part of the peninsula. As the saying goes: life is better in the sea. In this land of myths and legends, it is even more so!

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