The mysteries of this scented soil will persist forever. The deep love and passion for this land comes from far and near.
Perhaps you have heard of the great tour, a movement that took place in Europe in 1670. The trip made by young aristocrats had motivations linked to education, direct encounters with antiquity, health problems, and social prestige. In the United States, France, and England, it is possible to find specialized educational travel programs with the objective of enriching knowledge about locations and classroom topics, including the understanding of history and culture, the study of languages, and especially to acquire independence while exploring places and customs.
Educational tourism or student tourist excursions appeared in Mexico during the Porfirio era (1830-1915). The objective of the school trips was to gain knowledge by observing customs and the riches of the soil. Alberto Correa (1970) recommended that his students admire the landscape and customs of various regions so that they would learn from contact with nature and people. Traveling represented a change of horizon that made it possible to have fun while learning by replacing the artificial world of the school with nature itself.
The ancient settlers developed an exhaustive knowledge of the natural and cultural environment of the peninsula during their long journeys. In fact, the Camino Real dates from colonial times. The paths left by these pioneer travelers became what is today the majestic Transpeninsular Highway or Route #1.
On the other hand, the protected natural areas in Mexico and on this peninsula are areas where the original environments have not been significantly altered by human activity and do not require preservation and restoration. They are classified as biosphere reserves, protected areas of flora and fauna, protected natural resource areas, natural monuments, and national parks.
What can independent learners or educational institutions do in the Baja California peninsula?
Travel the Transpeninsular Highway on trips of five days or more, marveling at the natural and cultural heritage. This scented land has an infinity of tourist circuits, such as the desert route, Jesuit missions, rock art areas, islands, islets and bays, and regional cuisine, just to mention some traditional routes. But we also have other more adventurous, mysterious opportunities, such as finding the location of mission vestiges, or the songs of the desert or the sea itself. All are tourist attractions.
Baja California is a paradise surrounded by the sea that invites you to travel along the royal road that at one time connected Alta and Baja California. This tour is not new for travelers. Since the 1950s in northern California, adventurers have ventured out to conquer the peninsula. It is the famous era of the motor home, which still exists today, albeit on a smaller scale.
This beautiful landscape, formed by hundreds of millions of years, has surprising attractions. Connecting with yourself is the prime example. Traveling in small or large groups for educational purposes nourishes the spirit and predisposes the traveler to return because the mere fact of remembering the experience becomes the future the person desires.
After returning from a six-day student trip through an area of southern California, a young woman in a reflective conversation pointed out: “Knowing that you are going to take a trip is exciting, especially if you know you will visit a very different place than where you live. One of the main reasons that prompted me to make the trip was curiosity. I was curious about the new places I would visit and experiences that were totally unknown to me. I was fascinated by the idea of knowing that I could experience different sensations that were really very beautiful and pleasant.” (Sea)
Tour the areas like primitive pilgrims. Search for cave art murals and travel the paths where ancient people left traces of having enjoyed the fruits of the sea, including oysters and snails.
Sail through the Gulf of California, visiting beaches, bays, islands and islets. Learn the flora and fauna, and swim and dive to study the reefs and marine animals.
To you, conqueror … I offer you the land … Yes, in the pursuit of an illusion the wind has brought you … Stay here conqueror … It is the land of the sun and the desert, of tenderness and love … Yours is the magical coast of pearls and sand, the forests of cardones … the valleys where the sun sleeps its siesta, the islands of mysteries and fish … in the name of my people, today I offer you the land … (from the poem Calafia by Fernando Jordan, 1955)
Well done!