Behind the Cover Spring Diaries 2023

Throughout our trips, I had never seen a landscape like the one I managed to capture in this photograph. First, it seemed to me like kilometers of salt. Now, I know that it measures approximately 5,288 meters.

The funny thing was that we were returning to Los Cabos with all the audiovisual equipment packed. However, when we drove by Salina El Cuarenta, we realized the natural light was stunning and perfect for taking pictures. It simply took our breath away.

I would have regretted every day if we had continued without stopping. This place deserved and demanded a photograph that did it justice; and captured its most outstanding feature, its’ immensity.

I am happy to be able to share with the world one more alluring attraction of Baja California Sur.

Marlon Rodríguez Arguello

We published a photo in the Salina El Cuarenta in issue #2 of Tendencia and returning after 13 years brought back many memories. It transported me back to the beginning of a project that brought Baja California Sur closer to the rest of the nation. So here we are on issue #59; it is abundantly clear that the peninsula never ceases to surprise us. We always find treasures to share with our readers.

Claudia del Pino

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