Santa Rosalía and Loreto share a historical twinning, a connection based on emotions and kinship. This strong bond of appreciation and recognition has endured for over a century and was officially formalized yesterday with the signing of the “Twinning Agreement.”
It is essential to understand that town twinning involves cities from different geographic and political areas coming together to promote cultural exchange and human interaction. While there is no guarantee, twin towns often share similar characteristics.
The state governor, Víctor Manuel Castro Cosío, along with the mayors of Loreto and Mulegé, Paola Cota Davis and Edith Aguilar Villavicencio, and officials from different levels of government presided over the event at Plaza Juan María de Salvatierra in Loreto. During the event, the mayor expressed her confidence in this twinning, which will undoubtedly bring mutual benefits, collaboration, and fraternal ties between the two towns.
“We will join forces to promote and offer our visitors the best tourism products,” said Paola Cota Davis.
Loreto and Mulegé are two extraordinary Magical Towns in Mexico which offer a wide range of attractions and cultural richness that are unmatched. These destinations are poised to become popular tourist hubs due to their immense potential to attract more visitors seeking to experience nature, traditional life, and deep-rooted customs.
Loreto and Mulegé, recognized as Magical Towns, will collaborate to create a sustainable tourism industry. The goal is to improve living conditions by taking economic, social, and environmental actions that benefit local communities while preserving nature.
In this sense, we have high expectations for this partnership, which will strengthen and promote comprehensive development, benefiting the residents of these two historic Southern California towns.
Congratulations! And may the bonds of brotherhood continue in the destinies of Sudcalifornianos.