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Ruba’s Bakery: A year being the meeting point

The Josephine imprint treasured by the memories of the Payen family welcomes you to Ruba's Bakery: the restaurant that is conquering hearts in the...

The Art of Baja California Sur Dance

Today on International Dance Day we tell you the story of Sudcalifornian folklore. All the dances date back to the 19th century, they are...

Los Cabos: venue for the launch of the film “The Last Chance”

Los Cabos once again becomes home for the grand premiere of “The Last Chance”: a film directed by Roberto Palacios and starring Jeniffer Flores,...

Welcome to Trending TikTok

Did you know that TikTok has become an emotional stimulator? That's right, the use of social networks represents for the human being a virtual...

Teacher’s Day: a date to commemorate the noble act of teaching

Its history dates back to 1917, when a group of deputies, almost all former teachers, sent an initiative to Congress to celebrate education workers...

Presentation of the book: “The Bilges of the Soul”

Promoting reading, within the facilities of the Technological Institute of Higher Studies (ITES) Los Cabos campus, supported by the government of the State of...


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