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Rocks near Cataviña

Immense boulders transform the landscape into a spectacular rock garden near Cataviña. Thousands of rocks ranging in size from marbles to housetops are scattered...

Jesuit Missionaries

"We are frontier men, willing to be in places where there is injustice, where others can not or do not want to be, where...


It is hard to find a town with greater magical qualities than Loreto. It is so because of its history, people and natural beauty....

A moment of togetherness with the family: El Triunfo

The first was known by the name of La Ramona and the next, La Julia. -Armando Trasviña Taylor Traveling as a family is one of...

Missionary Art & History: San Ignacio Kadda-Kaaman Mission

The Sudcalifornian missions endure as testimony to the congregation of men from different parts of the world. Once construction of the missions was underway,...

Scented Soil: Guayaquil the adventurer

A story of imagination and reality One summer morning, in a place called Piedras Pintas near the town of Mulege in the mountainous area of...


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