Venture into the unknown: Las Tres Virgenes

A tour through Baja California Sur could mean a venture into unknown lands, where the desert lies dormant and the sun can burn right through your clothes. It means close contact with nature and the need to trust your instincts. A tour through Baja California Sur opens your mind to explore farther than the eye can see to the horizon, a horizon that takes you to this destination, and on, and on, and on.

Once you decide you want to get to know our territory, we suggest you write the name Las Tres Virgenes on your adventure list.

Located in the municipality of Mulege, near the border between the states of Baja California and Baja California Sur, Las Tres Vírgenes is right in the middle of the desert, surrounded by endemic flora and fauna, and just a few steps from the El Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, one of the largest protected areas in Mexico.

One of the main attractions are the cave paintings. What is even more incredible than the size of the paintings is the space where they were painted. If you want to see them, you must take a challenging path through a ravine, where your physical skills will be tested and a healthy dose of willpower will be required.

It is very important to remember that Las Tres Vírgenes is a series of protected volcanos that require your cooperation in order to avoid endangering the flora and fauna. While making your way, try to be careful and cause as little damage as possible. If you do, the fragile environment will be there waiting when you wish to return.

Once you have heard the instructions from the guide, and you have your backpack ready with enough water and some energy snacks, it’s time for the real adventure to begin!

You should wear boots or sneakers, jeans or leggings, a long sleeve shirt to avoid sunburn, and enough sunblock. You should also wear a cap or sunglasses to protect your eyes from the dazzling sunrays that brighten the surroundings.

You will pass through scenery not everyone has seen, starting with a path between two giant rocks towering over each side. While admiring these inspiring creations, you can’t help but notice how tiny you are in comparison. You will also realize you are face to face with the past. An ocean once covered the place you are standing. You can see the layers of fossils in the ravine cliffs. If you pay close attention, you will see that the cliffs are actually filled with a variety of little seashells.

Admire the landscape you have in front of you, with all the trees, plants and history. It will be like taking a trip into the past!

The tour will take four hours round-trip. Even if you are ready to give up because your feet can’t go any further, you’ll want to keep moving forward.

That’s because the guide will suddenly instruct you to take a little path uphill and, very soon, you will arrive at the cave paintings. The paintings are located on two giant rocks on top of each other, resembling a perfectly designed little cave.

As previously mentioned, it is important to observe but not touch. Remember, the paintings have been there for more than 7,000 years and we want them to last.

Try to absorb everything you see and remember the route you took to get where you are. You’ll want to dedicate a few moments to absorb every image, sound and emotion, without thinking about anything else. Let your imagination run wild and try to understand what surrounds you.

If you are the kind of person who meditates, this place is ideal. Look for a comfortable place to sit, rest, and start breathing until you reach the state of maximum relaxation and your mind achieves the here and now.

The return journey will be even more challenging. You will be looking directly into the sun, your faithful companion. Stay hydrated and start a conversation with your fellow travelers. They and the landscape will make your experience unforgettable.

When you are about to arrive back at the starting point, embrace what you experienced one last time. Keep it all in your memory. You will not only have photos and videos, but the important moments will live within you.

A tour through Baja California Sur could mean many things, but some of them cannot be described with words.

Take a chance and live this incredible journey through time!

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